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Mesaj Scris de .Dan Dum Feb 14, 2016 5:53 pm

RO] Acestea sunt toate comenzile disponibile adminilor pe serverul nostru, se poate sa nu aveti acces la toate din pricina gradului mic.
[EN] Those are all available commands on our server, you may not have acces to all of them, because you have a low level admin.

[RO] #RECOMANDAM folosirea meniului !admin
[EN] #RECOMMENDATION We highly recommend you to use the menu !admin

1. sm_addban

[RO] • (explicatie: sm_addban <timp> <steamid/ip> [motiv]) Se foloseste pentru a adauga un ban in banlist unui jucator pe SteamID sau IP. Se poate folosi in cazul in care jucatorul pe care trebuia fi aplicata comanda sm_ban s-a deconectat si nu ati reusit sa dati ban din meniul de admin.Puteti afla ultimii 10 jucatori deconectati folosind comanda lastx in consola jocului.
[EN] • (explanation : sm_addban < time > < steamid / ip > [reason ]) Used to add a ban in banlist to a player SteamID or IP . It can be used when you supposed to apply sm_ban to a player and he went offline and you have not managed to give out ban from the menu admin.You cand find out the last 10 players disconected by using lastx in console.

2. sm_ban

[RO] • (explicatie: sm_ban <#userid|nume> <minute|0> [motiv]) Baneaza un jucator conectat la server dupa SteamID sau nickname. Aceasta comanda se poate accesa si din meniul adminului.
[EN] • (explanation : sm_ban < #userid | name> < minute | 0 > [reason ] ) Ban a player connected to the server by SteamID or nickname . This command can be accessed from the Admin menu .

3. sm_cancelvote

[RO] • Anuleaza orice vot pornit/rulat in acel moment.
[EN] • Cancel any voting that is running on the server in that time.

4. sm_help

[RO] • Afiseaza lista tuturor comenzilor de admin disponibile pe server pentru a lua cunostinta cu orice comanda necunoscuta. Folositi comanda sm_help <comanda> pentru a specifica comanda cautata.
[EN] • Show all available admin commands from the server, it can help you if you forgot something.

5. sm_kick

[RO] • (explicatie: sm_kick <#userid|nume> [motiv]) Deconecteaza un jucator de pe server.
[EN] • (explanation: sm_kick <#userid|name> [reason]) Kick a player from the server.

6. sm_map

[RO] • (explicatie: sm_map <harta> Schimba instant harta curenta cu harta specificata.
[EN] • (explanation : sm_map < map > Change instant current map with the specified map .

7. sm_unban

[RO] • (explicatie: sm_unban <steamid|ip>) Ridicarea oricarui ban dat pe SteamID sau IP.
[EN] • (explanation : sm_unban < steamid | ip > ) Unban any given SteamID or IP ban .

8. sm_who

[RO] • (explicatie: sm_who [#userid|nume]) Afiseaza drepturile jucatorului specificat (afiseaza lista jucatorilor si celor cu admin/vip/slot).
[EN] • (explanation : sm_who [ #userid | name] ) Display the player's rights specified (displays players and those with admin / vip / slot )

9. sm_chat

[RO] • (explicatie: sm_chat <mesaj>) Scrierea si trimiterea unui mesaj tuturor adminilor pe privat.
[EN] • (explanation : sm_chat < message> ) Send a message to all admins on the server.

10. sm_csay
[RO] • (explicatie: sm_csay <mesaj>) Scrie un mesaj centrat tuturor jucatorilor.
[EN] • (explanation : sm_csay < message> ) Write a message in the center of the screen to all players .

11. sm_gag

[RO] • (explicatie: sm_gag <nume>) Previne jucatorul sa scrie mesaje in chat.
[EN] • (explanation : sm_gag <name> ) Prevents the player to write messages in chat.

12. sm_hsay

[RO] • (explicatie: sm_hsay <mesaj>) Trimite un mesaj tuturor jucatorilor prin intermediul casutei pentru indicii.
[EN] • (explanation : sm_hsay < message> ) Send a message to all players through box for clues.

13. sm_msay

[RO] • (explicatie: sm_msay <mesaj>) Trimite un mesaj sub forma de meniu in partea stanga a ecranului.
[EN] • (explanation : sm_msay < message> ) Send a message to the form menu on the left side of the screen.

14. sm_mute

[RO] • (explicatie: sm_mute <nume>) Previne un jucator sa foloseasca chatul vocal.
[EN] • (explanation : sm_mute <name> ) Prevents a player to use voice chat .

15. sm_psay

[RO] • (explicatie: <nume> <mesaj>) Trimite un mesaj privat unui singur jucator.
[EN] • (explanation : <name> < message> ) Send a private message to a single player .

16. sm_say

[RO] • (explicatie: sm_say <mesaj>) Trimite un mesaj in chat tuturor jucatorilor.
[EN] • (explanation : sm_say < message> ) Send a message to all players in chat .

17. sm_silence

[RO] • (explicatie: sm_silence <nume>) Aplica gag si mute unui jucator.
[EN] • (explanation : sm_silence <name> ) Apply gag and mute to a player.

18. sm_slap

[RO] • (explicatie: <nume> [damage]) Loveste un jucator, emite un zgomot si il arunca intr-o directie aleatoriu. Daca este specificat, valoarea daunelor va fi scazuta din sanatatea tintei.
[EN] • (explanation : <name> [ damage ] ) Hits a player ,makes a noise and throw him in a random direction . The specificate amount of damage will be deducted from the target health.

19. sm_slay

[RO] • (explicatie: sm_slay <nume>) Omoara jucatorul specificat. Se poate folosi ca avertizare cand un jucator incalca in mod repetat anumite reguli.
[EN] • (explanation : sm_slay <name> ) Kill the specified player . It can be used as a warning when a player repeatedly violate the rules.

20. sm_setnextmap

[RO] • (explicatie: sm_setnextmap <harta>) Seteaza harta ce urmeaza.
[EN] • (explanation : sm_setnextmap < map > ) Set the map below.

21. sm_ungag

[RO] • (explicatie: sm_ungag <nume>) Anularea gag-ului si oferirea posibilitatii jucatorului de a folosi din nou chatul.
[EN] • (explanation : sm_ungag <name> ) Cancel gag and offer all access to voice chat to the specified player.

22. sm_unmute

[RO] • (explicatie: sm_unmute <nume>) Anularea mute-ului si oferirea posibilitatii jucatorului de a folosi din nou chatul vocal.
[EN] • (explanation : sm_unmute <name> ) Cancel gag and offer all access to chat to the specified player.

23. sm_unsilence

[RO] • (explicatie: sm_unsilence <nume>) Anularea gag-ului si mute-ului.
[EN] • (explanation : sm_unsilence <name> ) Cancel silence and offer all access to chats to the specified player.

24. sm_vote

[RO] • (explicatie: <intrebare> [raspuns1] [raspuns2] [raspuns3] ...) Incepe un vot nou cu intrebarile si argumentele specificate.Daca intrebarea este formata din mai mult de 1 cuvant ea trebuie pusa intre ghilimele!
[EN] • (explanation : < question > [ answer1 ] [ answer2 ] [ answer3 ] ... ) Start a new vote with questions and arguments specificate.If the question consists of more than one word you must put quotation marks !

25. sm_voteban
[RO] • (explicatie: sm_voteban <nume> [motiv]) Incepe un vot pentru banarea unui jucator pe o perioada de 30 de minute.
[EN] • (explanation : sm_voteban <name> [reason ] ) Starts a vote to ban a player for a period of 30 minutes.

26. sm_votekick

[RO] • (explicatie: sm_votekick <nume> [motiv]) Porneste un vot pentru a da afara un jucator de pe server.
[EN] • (explanation : sm_votekick <name> [reason ] ) Starts a vote to kick a player from the server.

Mesaje : 26
Data de înscriere : 12/02/2016


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